Palm Pre By:;sprint
-Sprint is trying to step there game up, i beleave
.most people use verizon and at&t you don't hear much
.from t-mobile or sprint but im not gonna reveiw the "pal pre"
-The pre has been said to be one of the best
.multitouch screen phone's some have ever seen the iPhone
.might have more publicity, but the palm pre hase the same
.320x480 as the iPhone and G1.!
.Includding a full qwerty, key board.!
.Stand by lock button [wont go off in meeting or school]
.3.5 millameter head set jack
.3 megapixal camera, witha flash
.new lynix[sp] touch screen said to feel better than iPhone
.cut and paste
.also inclose zoom and out close zoom
.also instint messanger, to talk to everyone a once
.Flause that i've heard the key boerd is all bunched togethea,
.kinda heard to use nothing like a black berry key board
.camera is desent but even with a the flash not that great.!
.sprint altogether kinda has bad reseption so, rvoice quality, isnt
.so great, but over all i think the palm pre is a good phone
.well, more to come peace and love.!
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